In winter   2014 - January 16th through April 3rd -  a Trimestral Program in 12 lessons of Pastry & Bakery will be given at GiglioCooking school. 
The lessons will take place on Thursdays at 06:00 through 09:00 pm.
The teacher is Chef Giovanni Stecca.
The program is divided in three parts.


1° Part : January 16 - February 6th

Paste friabili
Pasta frolla classica – Il Sablée
Crema Inglese
Crema bavarese – Il Cremoso
Montate di burro
Plum-Cake – Crema frangipane
Crema Ganache - Temperaggio

2° Part: February 13th - March 6th

Pasta biscotto
Biscotto arrotolatoBiscotto Savoiardo
Base semifreddo – Meringa italiana
Montate di uova
Pan di Spagna – Dacquoise
Crema pasticcera
Crema pasticcera – Creme Chibouste e Mousseline

3° Part: March 13th - April 3rd

Lieviti dolci
Pasta Brioche – Pasta da Savarin
Pasta choux
Pasta per bigné – Plum-cake con metodo bigné
Pasta sfogliata
Impasti e sfogliature – Cottura ed impieghi
Lieviti salati
Pane carré – Panini semidolci da buffet

For this program GiglioCooking will release a Certification of Attendance

The price of each part is 450 euros.
The whole program price is 1350 euros.
The minimum number of participants is 8.
