Brian & Joy: When Cooking becomes.... Happening.

I cannot explain the spirit that drove us to start talking after the first introduction.
It happened.
Joy & Brian entered the kitchen one day of last summer.
We shaked our hands.
I welcame them and let them sit down. I offered some cold water: it was hot outside.

What usually happens is this:
We say our names, we ask information about to each other: where we are from, why we are in Italy or why in Firenze, for how long. ... Then I start to explain the recipes and, likely, the techniques behind them.

What happend was that Brian & Joy didn't  want to listen to theoretical explanations of cooking science. Not immediately. Not that soon.
They  wanted to know me better. 

They  wanted to know why I am in Florence. For how long. What brought me to open a cooking school. 
They  looked - and they were - sincerely interested.

Cooking brought me to open a cooking school.
This seems tooooo obvious.
Life brought me to open a cooking school. The life that we all try to drive and that instead drives us. I found myself in cooking. I was born and raised in cooking places. It happened. 

Like our un-expected and, at the same time, desired, conversation. It happened.

Because what happens is almost always a combination of will and fate.
The mechanism of Universe. 
The life brings you where you want to be brought.

So I told them my story.
Where I was born, Giglio Island, in the deep blue sea of Tuscany.
My -  as deep as the sea that sorrounds my island -  love for my birth place.
My desire to go back there.
My first project to start a school on the island.
Then the creation of  GiglioCooking in Florence, where I have gathered my skills together with my dreams. And together with the hope that GiglioCooking would bring me to Giglio.

I was - and still I am - grateful for that conversation. 
When this "happens" makes me think that my dream would soon... happen.

Anyways I gave them the explanations of the recipes they chose.
We cooked and then we set at the table to taste the product of our labor.

Some days later, Joy & Brian sent me the photos of some of the dishes we cooked together.

I hope to see you again, Dear Joy & Brian.

Thank you for giving a new "push" to my dreams!
