....... What these words really mean.
Actually I can take this the question by two distinct
points of view:
- one regards the safety and the health: is what it is
sold as “organic” or “bio” really it?
- what do biologic and organic mean?
I won’t now
debate about the first matter, that is if what is sold for biologic or organic
really is or if instead the regulation in some-how is tailored to cheat us.
I want to debate about the literary meaning and about
the miscommunication and confusion it creates and how today we are deranging our languages, and, with them - as a cause and
effect - all the society is swimming in the mod of misunderstood words.
For Biologic the dictionary says: relative to biology.
Biology is the science that studies the alive beings
For Organic the dictionary says: relative to alive
Thus Biologic and Organic are synonym .
With the meaning: relative to life.
We, as human beings are biologic or organic
A tree is biologic or organic
A flower is biologic or organic
An egg is biologic or organic.
All the alive material is biologic or organic.
A stone or a piece of iron is not.
Why nowadays for the words “biologic and organic” we
intend “grown naturally without the aid of fertilizers and without pesticides
or other chemicals extraneous to its life activities”?
Organic and Biologic simply mean “alive”.
Aren’t the eggs made by hen farmed with hormones,
Aren’t the cauliflowers grown with phosphor-fertilizers,
Aren’t the cows- which meat is destined to human consumption -
raised with GMO corn and antibiotics, alive (before slaughtering.... )?
Of course they all are.
So, today we use these two adjectives with a different
meaning. Any time we pronounce the word “biologic”, the interlocutor thinks “natural”
rather than “alive”.
Oh oh… I was doing the same mistake: “natural” can be a synonym of “alive” too. Although
a stone is “natural” and not “alive”.
Just a step back: Any time we pronounce the word “biologic”,
the interlocutor thinks grown “naturally without the aid of fertilizers and
without pesticides or other chemicals extraneous to its life activities”.
He does't think just “alive”.
He does't think just “alive”.
Biologic and Organic have entered the spoken - and
written - language with this meaning a long ago and now this seems to be the
new acquired meaning, recognized and recognizable. We all intend - and believe
- “naturally grown without chemicals” when we see “biologic” and “organic”.
Maybe we should say, for products - animals and
vegetables : grown or farmed naturally.
Where do I want to get at?
To a philosophic-social question: how words that have in origin a certain significance, today have acquired a different one.
Not just the words.
Actions, places, way of dressing, behavior at table
and with people, foods, even the fashion follows the … fashion of the moment.
Everything that happens has to “ride the wave”.
All what doesn’t “ride the wave” doesn’t exist.
Our eyes see only what others what us to look at.
We feel the needs that others have invented for us.
We believe that biologic means “natural” because we
have been told about it and nobody told us that biologic means alive.
We all have forgotten that we have a brain and a
critical mind.
Do you know what I really think? What I really miss? The
voice of my grandmother, talking softly, never yelling, using proper words -
measuring words: words can be heavier than a stone, sharper than a blade, the
beginning of something, either bad or good - , conjugating the verbs correctly,
with the right tenses and the right suffix. I miss her as teaching us the respect not only
for words, but, using the right words, the respect for others, the respect for the
food at table, the respect for life.
When she was talking to me, I was a little girl living
in a little village. All the food she was taking to the table was “biologic” with
both the two meanings: natural and alive.
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