Calendar: The Second Week of October 2018

The Second Week of October 2018

October 8th

2:30 - 5:30 pm
Lezione 1 - L
Le farine e il glutine:
La Pasta fresca: l’impasto e la forma
Lasagne con ragù e besciamella
Corollo all’olio extra vergine di oliva e caramello al vino

October 9th

4:00 - 7:00 pm

Pasta Making:
Tagliatelle with vegetable sauce
Ravioli Spinach and ricotta with fresh tomato sauce
Gnocchi with pesto

October 10th

6:00 – 9:00 pm

Pastry Class:
Baking techniques (Patè a choux, Short Bread)

October 11th

2:30 - 5:30 pm
Lesson 2 - L
La base della dieta Mediterranea.
Menu di pesce:
Spaghetti vongole e zucchini
Pesce crudo all’arancia (spiegazione dell’anisakis)
Crespelle di farina di castagne con ripieno di ricotta

October 12th

2:30 - 5:30 pm
Pizza & Gelato:
Pizza dough and toppings, Vanilla Ice Cream and Chocolate Ice Cream
