True Honey

No list of the ingredients on the label.

Honey is made of.... honey.

As well as many Italian products, honey is made by only one ingredient. No additives, colorants, thickeners, preservatives.
Honey goes to add to a long list: extra virgin olive oil, pasta di semola di grano duro, balsamic vinegar, tomato puree, flour...

This honey  comes from the nectar of fennel flowers: UNIQUE.

The entire family takes care of it: cranking, .....

..... scraping, 

..... sifting, 

collecting and canning.

The result is an amber, liquid, aromatic juice, full of all the natural "antibiotics" proper of the TRUE honey, rich of the flavor  coming from all the flavonoids and poliphenols.

The company that produces it, home made style, is:

that is also one of the suppliers of  "good goods" for my house and my school. 

I know, I am a lucky girl...
